Xiaoyi's Blog
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Late night
It's 5.30 AM in the morning. No, I didn't get up early. I haven't slept yet. Feeling very tired, and.. hum... Something else, I feel like I am missing something. Heat up a cup of milk and put a little bit honey in the warm milk, take a sip, hmmm... :) The warm milk calms me down.
I can say that I devote my LIFE into networks class these days. No free time, after class is homework, after homework comes the coding. This is just the first project, and it suppose be the easy one. This up coming weekend is going to be networks project + algorithm assignment.
Speaking of networks coding, I don't think I will be able to finish this without my partner. I am learning a lot from him everyday.
Life with only coding and homework isn't very enjoyable. Since it's not long-term. I shouldn't be complaining. But I really wish I could watch a movie in the theatre, go shopping, hang out with the Fairfax gang. It will get better, maybe after this semester. (My partner and I were just talking about Thanksgiving. We might have the possibility of need to stay on campus to finish up the second project.) Well, lesson learned from the frist project. Start early, stay on track, meet up everyday and work on it for at least two hours together.
Ok. I think it's time for me to go to bed. I still need to get up around 11 for my algorithm class. Get out of bed will be the hardest part.....
Saturday, October 01, 2005

One night of gusty wind and pouring rain, bring us into the new season. The fall is here, the golden time. Why the color of autumn is gold? Leaves of the trees turn yellow; miles and miles of golden paddies in the fields, waiting to be harvested. Fall takes on the color of gold.
Today is the first day of October. My birthday month. Turning 21 in 19 days. Getting there, getting old.
*The trees infront of Warner Hall. The leaves of the tree are still very green. But soon they will take on the color of red*
*The group pictures were taken during the Labor day weekend this year. We had a FUN time that night.*